Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4 Breast lump

A breast lump is defined as any palpable mass in the breast. A breast lump is the most common presentation of both benign and malignant breast disease. Enlargement of the whole breast can occur either uni- or bilaterally, but this is not strictly a breast lump.
• The commonest breast lumps occurring under the age of 35 years are
fibroadenomas and fibrocystic disease.
• The commonest breast lumps occurring over the age of 50 years are
carcinomas and cysts.
• Pain is more characteristic of infection/inflammation than tumours.
• Skin/chest wall tethering is more characteristic of tumours than benign
• Multiple lesions are usually benign (cysts orfibrocystic disease).

Differential diagnosis
Swelling of the whole breast
• Pregnancy, lactation.
• Idiopathic hypertrophy.
• Drug induced (e.g. stilboestrol, cimetidine).

• Enlargement in the newborn.
• Puberty.

Localized swellings in the breast
Mast itis! breast abscess
• During lactation: red, hot, tender lump, systemic upset.
• Tuberculous abscess: chronic, ‘cold’, recurrent, discharging

• Galactocele: commoner postpartum, tender but not inflamed,
milky contents.
• Fibrocystic disease: irregular, ill defined, often tender.
Solid lumps
• Fibroadenoma: discrete, firm, well defined, regular, highly
• Fat necrosis: irregular, ill defined, hard, ?skin tethering.
• Lipoma: well defined, soft, non-tender, fairly mobile.
• Cystosarcoma phylloides: wide surgical excision (10% are
Malignant include:
• Carcinoma
early: ill defined, hard, irregular, skin tethering late: spreading fixity, ulceration, fungation,
‘peau d’orange’.
Swellings behind the breast
• Rib deformities, chondroma, costochondritis (Tietze’s disease).

• ENAC: tumours, fibroadenoma, fibrocystic disease, fat necrosis, mastitis.
• Ultrasound: fibroadenoma, cysts, tumours (best for young women/
dense breasts).
• Mammography: tumours, cysts, fibrocystic disease, fat necrosis.
• Biopsy (‘Trucut/open surgical): usually provides definitive
histology (may be radiologically guided if lump is small or
impalpable—detected by mammography as part of breast screening

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud to say now that I am finally at a place where I have found something that works for me. Almost four years ago I began seeing a classical Homeopath. I was put on a constitutional remedy by Dr Itua herbal center who reside in west africa, and I am amazed at my healing thus far. I will continue to post what worked for me and what didn't in more blogs to come (as this one is getting quite long... and I'm not writing a book on here - not yet anyway). This discovery has not only helped the way I practice, but it has also given me further insight into the world of Herbal  medicine. I came to know more about Dr Itua on Tv Station when I was taking my regular organic coffee at javamania coffee spot I watched the whole scene on how he uses Natural herbs to cure disease like Herpes, Hiv/Aids, Cancers,HPV,Men & Women Infertility,Melanoma, Mesothelioma, Multiple myeloma, Neuroendocrine tumors,Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Alzheimer's disease, chronic diarrhea, COPD, Parkinson's disease, Als And Diabetes, I was moved by his words then I took a confident step to contact him regarding my health condition Herpes & Prostate Cancer, He prepared his herbal medicine then sent it to me through Courier which I took as it's was instructed and I found myself healing symptoms are all gone I have being watching my health for years now and I finally confirmed that is a permanent cure like he told me at our first conversations so now I'm healthy and happy I purchase his herbal tea which I usually take in the morning before starting my day because it feels good to find addiction on natural herbs than medical drugs so is what I'm doing and loving it more and More to come later on blogs sooner I will be writing my book.I will advise you to contact Doctor Itua Herbal Center for any kind of permanent cure and herbal remedy.Doctor Itua Email Contact: Also On Whats-App Calls: +2348149277967.
